Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign media.
Welcome to man in the Arena. Today we are talking mandatory Pride Parade's Big Pharma Vaccine schedule updates and only fans raking in the dough. But first reminder, you can find this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, GoodPods or wherever you get your podcast. Check us out on Facebook X Instagram and TikTok True Social and YouTube as well at Maninthe Arena PC. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube. That is the only place that you can find our video podcasts. Now let's go.
[00:01:00] Speaker B: Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.
[00:01:14] Speaker A: I have a dream. My four little children one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream.
[00:01:36] Speaker B: The eyes of the world are upon you.
[00:01:38] Speaker A: The hopes and prayers of liberty loving.
[00:01:41] Speaker B: People everywhere march with you.
[00:01:51] Speaker A: And go. My fellow Americans, ask not what your.
[00:01:56] Speaker B: Country can do for you, ask what.
[00:01:59] Speaker A: You can do for your country.
If you joined me last episode, you heard me talk about the fact that it is time to stop celebrating the Trump victory and get back in the game. In the words of Gandalf the White, the battle for Helm's Deep is over and the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin. And don't worry, that will be the first of many Lord of the Rings references if you continue to listen to this show. While we await Inauguration Day, the world is still turning and delving further and further into chaos as each day passes. Globalist forces are escalating the war in Ukraine to a nuclear degree, the mass poisoning of children and adults who are food and drug industries has expanded, and martial law has been decreed in South Korea. Each day in the news cycle feels like a line from we didn't start the fire. The point being, we did not just press an easy button to solve the world's problems. With the election of Donald Trump, will things improve? Yes, it would be hard for them not to improve. But while this election cycle has closed and we will now have to live for better or worse with our newly elected president, senators and congressmen, the real battle shifts back to our culture. As Americans, we have labored under the delusion for generations that we can live in a culture of do whatever you want to do, I'll do whatever I want to do, just leave me alone and stay off my lawn. We failed to recognize that every period of history, without fail, has had winners and losers, good and bad, and progress in one direction or another. Our boomer generation inherited the greatest economy and culture the world has ever seen, and their greatest mistake was believing that they could simply sit on it. That it required no maintenance, no defense, that it was gold meant to be hoarded. They failed to realize the time tested truth that both we as individuals and as a greater society are either moving towards what is good, what is true, and what is beautiful, or devolving into darkness and chaos. Our fight now is to leave our children and grandchildren with that beautiful culture and prosperity that once existed within the United States. It is likely true that we will not live to see the end result, but great men and great women, don't let that deter them from pursuing what is right and just.
While our new, but mostly old politicians fight in the halls of Congress over legislation and policy, our power to influence the outcome will be somewhat limited. Where our power lies in this current season we find ourselves in will be to influence our culture and move it in the necessary direction to restore it to its former glory. This starts in our communities and in our towns. How did the left take over the culture of America? Almost entirely, they did it through our financial structure and our government and other powerful institutions. That's an undeniable truth. But in addition, they militantly fought house by house, brick by brick, block by block, to fill their community with pride flags and drag queen story hours. They understand that culture is moved by those who are willing to wield their own power and refuse to be deterred by shame or embarrassment. So the question we must answer is, are we willing to fight for normalcy? Are we willing to fight to restore communities based in faith and family where your wife and child can walk down the street with no concern and where you feel a sense of belonging and ownership in your own town? That is where the fight lies now, and you are in it whether you like it or not. Now it's time for today's calibration.
All right. Today I'm joined again by my brother Jonathan.
[00:06:05] Speaker B: Good to be back. Thanks for keeping bringing me here.
[00:06:08] Speaker A: Yeah, it's hard to sever at this point because it would be extremely difficult conversation to have now that you've been on the show because we talk to each other every day. But I've been happy with the outcome so far.
[00:06:19] Speaker B: Far good. On Thanksgiving, I had to beg him to bring me back, so I just want to throw that in there.
[00:06:24] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Well, that's all right. We. We got important stuff to talk about, and we've been spending the first episodes together that you and I have. I mean, the last several episodes of the show really being very focused on the. The politics of. Of what is happening within our government and kind of the chess moves taking place. And. And today I'm going to get away from politics a little bit. Everything we're talking about is political, but I want to dive into some cultural issues that are going on because so much of what is going on, what we've talked about, it's really outside of our control right at this point. The elections have taken place, people have made decisions, and we're kind of going to have to live with a lot of what is done now. That's not to say that we don't have influence. We saw last episode, we talked about some of the bad picks and we saw a terrible pick come through this week to be the head of the DEA and the Hillsborough County Sheriff out of Florida. This individual was pro lockdown, arrested a pastor for daring to have services during the COVID lockdowns. Somebody who is extremely out there on pride and putting the police force behind pride parades and celebrating and all these different radical leftist issues. There was a public outcry and he pulled his own nomination. I think somebody was probably in his ear saying, hey, this probably isn't going to happen. But it does go to show that our voices can still be heard, even if our power is somewhat limited in the moment.
[00:08:00] Speaker B: I think it's really important to note that there are obvious, there is a shift now where public opinion, at least on the right, is influencing some of these things. Trump actually did come out today and say that he pulled that nomination for the DEA because of the things that you just mentioned. And so he's listening. I think that's an important first step is recognizing that somebody who is that far out of the mainstream of what we voted for and what this movement is supposed to be about, that there were enough loud voices to be able to push him out. Now, I wish that was the case with some of these other ones, but as a net value, I think were pretty good. We have quite a few high level positive picks that we have to move forward with, but this was an important one to get out of the way.
[00:08:48] Speaker A: Yeah, the Cash Patel pick being a great pick, I think to really start to what needs to happen to dismantle the FBI. But again, like you said, we talked about this last week, started with some great picks, saw some not so great picks, and then has kind of evened out in some ways. But when you look at previous administrations, you have to think this is. We're in a much better position than we have been in the past, but we have to continue to make our voices heard in Order to avoid this story that I want to get into. That's not a surprising story at all. If you followed Canadian politics or American politics or European politics is happening all over the Western world.
The story in of itself is crazy if you don't understand the context of what's been going on in Canada. But there's a town in Canada, imo, Canada, it is a very small town, a population of 1200 people. In 2020, they chose to not celebrate Pride. They chose to not have a Pride Month, not have Pride celebration, and oh my goodness, how dare you not actively celebrate Pride. So this Ontario town and its mayor have been fined a total of $15,000 for refusing to celebrate Pride Month. This is according to CTV out of Winnipeg. In a decision from November 20, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ordered the town of Imo to pay 10,000 and Mayor Harold McQuaker to pay 5,000 to Borderland Pride for violating the Human Rights Code and discriminating against the organization. The tribunal has also ordered the town's mayor and CAO to complete Human Rights Code training.
Now, there was a resolution that was put forward. The resolution was defeated 3 to 2 by city council. And one of the member that brought it forward had this quote in there that is very striking to me that he said, I had warned members of council that I was aware of the potential ramifications of not passing this bylaw. So, first of all, the first thing I want to kind of highlight from this story, just reading the article, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, first of all, reading that, if you were to put that into some Orwellian fiction, novel or movie, the Human Rights Tribunal, it would fit in perfectly and it would make total sense. The fact that we are having tribunals that are overlooking social issues like Pride Month is terrifying in and of itself. But the reason that I bring this up, and I think it's important to talk about this growing trend, is we were fed alive for so long through the gay marriage movement and the gay rights movement that those in the LGBTQ community, we just want equal rights. First it was civil unions, then it was marriage equality, then it was all these different things that we just want to be on the exact same level in every way, legally as straight individuals, straight couples, and that's it. That's all. There's no slippery slope, there's no snowball, there's nothing. And many of us on what we got labeled as the Christian rite, we were labeled as the kooky ones for saying, you know, this might take another step after we allow it to move forward. And what we've learned to this point is that stories like this, what they have taught us is that these groups ultimately are out for blood. It is not about acceptance. It was never about acceptance or tolerance or any of these things. It was about actively making communities, individuals, families, and now even children participate in their worldview, participate in what has become their theology in many ways, and ultimately creating a reverence towards their way of life that we have not seen towards anything except religious institutions in our human history.
In civilized societies, all you need to.
[00:12:56] Speaker B: Do is look at the progression of how things moved with the letters involved. It used to be just lgb, and then there was a T, and then there was a Q and A plus. And then there were other symbols and letters and then different color flags, and it just continued to progress. At the beginning, as you said, it was about just equal status of couples together. It was by people who very often, you wouldn't have even known they were living that way. You know, there may have been whispers, things like Lindsey Graham, you know, Tim Walls, people like that, where you have suspicions. But, you know, it wasn't just out in your face, out in the open. And so it progressively moved more and more. Because here's what it comes down to, is that the drivers behind that movement are not pushing for gay rights. They're pushing for a total collapse of Christian values of any type of standards, morals, values, so that it goes into a basically, you know, whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, it's an anarchy. Any type of society, We've talked about this before. Any type of society that moves in that direction, especially this rapidly goes into a major decline. And once you remove values and morals from the human experience, there's really nothing left.
[00:14:09] Speaker A: But what's even more interesting to me about it, or striking to me, is that it hasn't even been about taking. We had a Christian society in the United States. The Western world was once known as Christendom. The basis of everything in the Western world was Christianity. That's just a matter of historical fact, regardless of your belief system. And we were kind of told that essentially what needs to happen is we need to remove those barriers to society that are brought forward through virtue and morals, right? That as long as you're not actively hurting anybody. That was always kind of what the line that was fed. If you're not hurting anybody, then nobody should be able to tell you what to do in any capacity. But in reality, what was happening and what has happened is you took a value set and you Simply removed it and replaced it with another. Where there are guardrails, where there are limits for what is acceptable speech, for what is acceptable behavior. It's just through a different lens. And so what we need to learn through all of this is that essentially what these movements do is they hollow out religion and wear it like a shell. Right? And every society adheres, one way or another, to a certain value set. And these efforts have always been an effort to replace the value set, not to just remove the existing value set. And I think that's what we need to ultimately learn. And kind of what I was getting at in the monologue is that we are always moving in a direction. There is always a value set. There is always right and wrong. There's always a winner and there's always a loser. There's always good, there's always bad.
We have tried to create this society of moral relativism, but it never has truly existed, because something will always fill that void for people.
[00:16:01] Speaker B: And what also ended up happening was it went far beyond just equal rights, because all of a sudden, it was far beyond anyone else's rights. It was all of a sudden, now I can force you to do things that you, under the First Amendment, have the ability to say, I don't want to do this. Whether it's religious freedom or whatever it might be. We all of a sudden then had people getting canceled for tweets from 15 years ago. I mean, you look at, for using the F word, not the four letter one, the three letter one, right? And things that as teenage, early 20s celebrities and people in business, and all of a sudden, I mean, Kevin Hart's a great example. He wasn't able to do the Academy Awards one year because they found something he said or wrote a decade earlier. And all of a sudden. And so I think there have been so many people, as this conversation progresses and we get into more of what's happening currently, you finally start to see people are catching up to. This isn't just about people trying to have equal rights, because, you know, we got, you know, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage was legal so many years ago, but since that point, it seemed to go be more militant, more aggressive, more angry, and more in the destruction of anyone in its way, as opposed to something that's based on, you know, the human experience.
[00:17:20] Speaker A: Well, with what has transpired since gay marriage became the law of the land, it seems as if gay marriage was legalized 100 years ago or 200 years ago. So much has transpired socially within that movement. Things have escalated to such a degree that it's almost as if that was a dam ready to break, that that was the only thing holding back this flood. And as we get into some more of these stories that are happening, obviously if you don't live under a rock, you've had this shoved in your face to some degree, right? I went to a Cavs game a few years ago and it was the first Cavs game I had been to in several years here in Cleveland. And I show up and it's Pride Night.
I go to a Cleveland Now Guardians game, I show up randomly, it's Pride Night, waving pride flags everywhere. I go to a NFL game, I go to a Browns game and I see, you know, end racism randomly, all these random social movement slogans all over the stadium. And you've, you've seen it on tv. You saw with hockey players that they were doing pre game with their sticks wrapped in rainbows and one guy didn't want to do it and he was just, absolutely, just castigated. He was, he was in the media. It was, it was if he had murdered somebody, right?
This, this touch is close to home here. But it was, it was like he was worse than, did something. Worse than what Deshaun Watson has been accused of, that these people in the NFL who have just beat the crap out of women, who have sexually assaulted people, who have committed all of these terrible things that those, those they don't touch on, they don't care, they'll have those people on, they'll have Ray Lewis who literally killed a guy on their, on their TV set on, as a host of a program. But if a guy doesn't want to participate in one of these campaigns, then he is, he is not to be touched. He's an untouchable person. So this is a story, this is out of, out of England. This is the Great Britain News Channel here where this soccer player, there's an initiative within the Premier League where as in every single professional sporting league, they are every once in a while wearing these rainbow patches on their sleeves and these multicolored patches, they're what you would see in any kind of rainbow alignment. There's an individual named Mark.
It's a kind of African name. So I'm not going to attempt to pronounce this as Iguahe G U E H I.
He wrote I love Jesus on his rainbow colored captain's armband over the weekend. He was originally threatened to be faced with a fine for writing I love Jesus on his armband.
The league has come out and Said we do not allow any religious or political imagery on our uniforms.
So what's interesting about this to me, and ultimately they kind of backed off the fine. They're giving him a talking to. They're having meetings with him.
This football team, the soccer team is having weekly meetings with LGBTQ groups. As a result, all this different fallout has happened.
What's interesting to me about this is that the most political and religious movement that exists now within the Western world, which is Pride, which is the LGBTQ movement, that's the one acceptable symbol. Nothing political, nothing religious. But again, what has happened here is that what you're seeing is that it's now more than ever, whether you're looking at a government or these sports organizations. This is the state sponsored religion now. This is the religion that there are literal blasphemy laws against that. Writing I love Jesus on this patch is the modern day equivalent of desecrating a church or spray painting a cross or any of those things in public. And that's what people need to start picking up on is this is not just, oh, just love is love. I just want to live my life. This is, you will adhere to my doctrine.
[00:21:43] Speaker B: Christianity has always been the target of most of these things. By the way, you have Gays for Palestine, where they're marching through the streets, and those are literal countries and people and at least a faction of that religion that if you went over to their country, they would throw you off the top of a very tall building. And you have all of these people behind all of these things that. That totally do not align with anything of value, anything with morals. But they are trumpeted from. Look at these Ivy League schools, is these pro Palestine protests by these students, and they shut down schools and all these kind of things. But if you were to have a student reading the Bible over a megaphone on campus, they'd be removed. There's plenty of stories of those kind of things.
[00:22:34] Speaker A: Yeah. And the amount of universities that have.
Were founded and owe their foundation and their existence to the church that they were attached to that have separated themselves from that church as a result of that church not being on board with gay marriage or any of the crazy societal movements. But to your point, the great part that's kind of buried at the end of this story is that Sam Morrissey is a Muslim member of the same club who has chosen not to wear the armband, is wearing just a standard captain's armband. But that was never a story. It wasn't a story until Christianity got involved. Right. And so that to me, that's what. Another very interesting wrinkle to this is that the, the leftist kind of coalition, they never really know what to do with Islam because it comes in and it's totally against any of their social movements. But they have created, they have turned Muslims into a protected class in the same way that they have done to women and to gays in this respect. And so they can't openly say, you're being a terrible person. But since Christians specifically are open to be targeted, they're the ones who receive the backlash and are made an example out of.
[00:23:54] Speaker B: There's only two groups that can be openly discriminated against here in this country and globally, it's Christians and it's white men.
[00:24:02] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:24:02] Speaker B: I mean, it's an unprotected class of people. And it's always under the guise of, oh, because you've always been in power. Oh, because you've always had your thumb on us, you're booed on our necks. And so now it's our turn. And so even from that perspective, because that's what whenever you ask that question is asked of people, whether it's on MSNBC or anywhere else, it's always out of a vindictive point of view towards white men. So because this is what you've done for all these years and you've always been in control, so now it's our turn. It's not out of a care for humanity and like, well, you know, how do we find a way to all make this work together? No, you're bad because of the gender you were born with that you had no control over because of the skin color you were born with that you had no control over. But sorry, you don't have a say anymore.
[00:24:45] Speaker A: And it's like, lady, I was born in 1995, I was watching Pokemon. I wasn't doing any of this stuff that you're accusing me of. I don't know where you're even getting this. And that's the frustration is we get further and further away from the Civil Rights act, which has been a disaster in many ways that maybe we'll get into in another episode. We're getting further and further away from slavery or anybody who even has any kind of second or third hand relation to slavery or to Jim Crow or any of these things. So it just shows that the left is so dependent upon this perpetual victimhood, this perpetual hatred, that all of this racism and hatred among people, much of it has to be stoked because you look at what Barack Obama did to this country. You look at race relations before Barack Obama, before Barack Obama took it and made it the center of American life.
Racism was essentially non existent. The racial consciousness in individuals was in decline in the lowest levels that we had ever seen. We were getting along better than at any time in human history. Races were getting along better than any time in human history. And as soon as he came in, put it at the forefront and put it at the front of people's minds, things began to deteriorate again because he echoed the same narratives that were true in the 60s and the 50s, but weren't true in 2012 or 2008 and aren't true today.
[00:26:14] Speaker B: Well, he weaponized race. It wasn't just that it all of a sudden became, hey, there's different skin colors. It was all of a sudden because you go back to his time as the Chicago agitator, right? Where it was all driven by race. It was all driven by an envy culture which people have things that's not fair. You should have that vote for me. Right. And so that's the way that cities like Chicago, cities like Detroit and Cleveland and all of these kind of cities that just remain in this perpetual spin cycle of the same things and they're just destroyed, but people will keep going back to it because it's so easy for us to be pulled into that envy. It's why it's one of the deadly sins is because it's so poisonous. And so, yeah, for those who didn't see that at the time, with Barack Obama's president, he brought to the forefront the reason Barack Obama, one of the main reasons he won the presidency was because so many white people felt that if they voted for him for president, the race issue would go away forever.
[00:27:12] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:27:12] Speaker B: It was saying, look at me. It's like the same thing as saying, I'm not racist. I have black friends. I'm not racist. I voted for the black guy. Right. As opposed to, I'm voting because I like this person's policies. By the way, he. He campaigned much more conservatively than he ruled.
[00:27:26] Speaker A: Obviously, he campaigned against gay marriage.
[00:27:31] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:27:32] Speaker A: So you look at how far our politics has gone, and that's actually a perfect point as well, that you bring up the fact, the point of Barack Obama and the racial consciousness and how he weaponized race in so many ways, and especially the social contract that was almost felt among a lot of white voters in supporting Barack Obama was, we are going to use this as an opportunity to put the race question to bed once and for all. Because if a black man can become President of the United States, then obviously there is no barrier for blacks in this country to succeed. Obviously, racism is dead if the American people can come together twice and elect a black president. And this is very much aligned with the gay marriage issue, because what you saw is a increase for over the course of a long time in the support for gay marriage. And there's this poll out that came out that polls are showing. This is. According to the Guardian, polls show us public support for LGBTQ protections falling for the first time since 2015. And that was the first time that they had fallen for a long time. So this is really the first significant drop that we've seen in support for gay marriage and support for LGBTQ protections and support for.
And what they mean by that is legal benefits at the elevation above the rest when they talk about protections. But what's interesting about this specifically is the social contract aspect of this, because for so long, regular people, average people who didn't think a man should marry a man or a man could marry a man, which was 100% of everyone up until about five minutes ago in the Western world, so that this. To act like this is some ancient belief system is ridiculous. But it got beat over the head of people for so long, similar with the race question and Barack Obama, that people finally crumbled and said, okay, if you just promise to shut up, if you just promise to leave me alone, leave me alone, leave my kids alone, just. I don't care what you do in your bedroom.
It really doesn't affect me. Just go ahead and do it, and let's just drop it, and we'll agree to disagree and be friends. And that's kind of where you saw this huge shift in people coming aboard of support for gay marriages. I just want it out of my life, and I want to stop talking about it. But after people started facing it every day, after people started being fined for not going along with it, after pastors started being arrested for not going along with it, after it started being a part of every single sporting event, after you couldn't turn on the TV without seeing a gay couple, you couldn't let your children watch television, after it got crammed down people's throat for so long, all of a sudden they woke up and they said, oh, my God, I can't live this way. This isn't what I signed up for. And so I think what a lot of people are feeling now, and the reason you're seeing a decrease in support for things like gay marriage, is that people feel normal people regular People, People who aren't even political, feel like that social contract has been violated and that you didn't hold up your end of the bargain. And therefore, I'm starting to connect the dots and go back to where this all started.
[00:31:15] Speaker B: I mean, if you look at those numbers, it's probably way lower than even that.
[00:31:20] Speaker A: Of course.
[00:31:20] Speaker B: Because it's the same thing as how many people called and said, are you voting for Trump? And I said, oh, no, no, I'm not. And they were. And so was their spouse, and so were their family members. Right. But they didn't. How many people are gonna go out there where they're asked the question, hey, do you. Do you disagree with gay marriage? Do you want to get rid of protections for gays?
[00:31:40] Speaker A: Do you hate gays?
[00:31:40] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:31:41] Speaker A: It's like the J.D. vance thing. Do you hate Mexicans?
[00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah. You think they're on the phone and like. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. I don't know. It's fine. It's fine. But if you could go back, so many families could go back to that time when it was like, just leave me alone. Do what you want to do. If they knew what was going to happen 10, 12 years down the road, they'd go back and things would be different. Because look at what happened in a state like Virginia with the transgender stuff, with the bathroom stuff. Right. They vote in a Republican governor who ran specifically on. I don't wanna say anti transgender, because that kind of validates it.
[00:32:21] Speaker A: That's a negative conversation.
Pro sanity. Yes.
[00:32:25] Speaker B: Pro family, pro kids. Right.
Because it was a return to that moment again, which was, if we say yes to this, then what? And so it was. We finally got to this point, and I think this election in 2024 is a great example, is that it was a moment where enough people said, we've seen this before. We know if we say yes now that this is only going to keep pushing another direction. Most of, I would say a huge percentage of why Trump won, why there was such a switch, how Kamala didn't flip one county in the United States for the first time since the 1930s, is because there were enough families and enough parents that said, I see where this is going, because I've seen where we came from, and we have to put our foot down, because who knows what's next? But I don't like this. And we did this once. We're not going to fall for it again.
[00:33:23] Speaker A: Yeah. And I think for a lot of people, the awakening that still needs to take place is the understanding that, like, we talked about last week with Nancy Mace is they want all of what happened from gay marriage up until about a year ago, and they want to stop there, but you can't. It's a runaway train. And that's going to be the next awakening for people is to understand where does this stem from, because it's not just something that happened overnight. It's not just something that appears out of the blue, and it's not something that you can.
You really can't really find a compromise. Either something is true or something is false. Something is good or something is bad. And that's the question that people are going to have to answer on transgenderism and gay marriage and how they relate to one another and how if you have one, you really have to have the other.
But there's this portion of this article in the Guardian that to me summarizes the leftist and the liberal worldview maybe better than anything else can and the flaws in it. And they're talking about the. The support for the LGBT community diminishing. And this quote from the article is that the analysis also identified a strong correlation between those who adhere to Christian nationalism. A once fringe belief that the US Was founded as a Christian nation and its laws should reflect Christian values and opposition to policies protecting LGBTQ rights.
A once fringe belief that the US Was founded as a Christian nation. They would call the belief that 100% of Americans knew up until about 2005 that America was in fact a Christian nation, was founded specifically explicitly as a Christian nation should reflect Christian values. They're calling this a fringe belief. And that's why it is so hard to have a legitimate conversation with so many of those on the left is because they are living in a fantasy world. They are living in alternate reality. The reality is 9 out of 13 colonies had state sponsored churches. 9 out of 13 colonies, state sponsored churches. Our original law codes based on the Ten Commandments, the Mayflower Compact, the really, what is considered the foundation of the New world specifically said our founding purpose was for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith. You look at all of our prominent figures through the Revolution, all of our presidents specifically talked about an adherence to a Christian God in all of their writings. And so the fact that we're now in a world where prominent journalists, prominent media outlets, prominent leftists can say that the idea that the US Was founded on Christianity, was founded as a Christian nation on Christian values, is a fringe belief is absolutely insane and unthinkable. And I believe the reason why you sometimes can't even waste Your time talking to a person that is operating from such a flawed premise.
[00:36:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, it's really the foundation of most of our current media, which is there's a combination. There are people that truly believe that, that that was fringe. But then there's the other percentage that just like our politicians, they'll just say things because they don't expect you to know. They either think you're too stupid or they don't believe you'll do the research. The unfortunate thing is that the vast majority, a huge percentage of people, won't do the research. That's why we end up with the same garbage over and over and over again. But when we get articles like this and you hear stuff like Christian nationalism is supposed to be this slur. Actually being a Christian is. Is the number one reason why our world has had peace and had prosperity and had love between humanity and nationalism, a love of country. I would say that the United States is the only country that we're not allowed to have that.
[00:37:23] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. We're the only nation. And we're the only nation of communities.
The Western world, broadly, is the only world. The only nation states, communities that aren't allowed to prefer something, that aren't allowed to say, oh, this is mine, this is my country. Right. When Israelis are settling in Gaza, that's a violation. Right. But when we have countless Haitians and Africans and Third World, in many case criminals being shipped without our consent into our country, that's enrichment. Right? And when you look at populations at large and the fact that whites are only 7% of the world population, we're the greatest minority on earth, but we're the only ones that aren't allowed to have our own countries, aren't allowed to prefer our own communities. Communities. Or have our own value sets.
That's the whole dismantling that is meant to take place. So you're totally right that I have no idea if this author of this article is being disingenuous and knows full well or if they're operating from that flawed of a premise. Either way, they're the enemy of a free society because they want to erase our history. It's like what you see, whether it's Netflix or on the History Channel or whatever, you see all of these revisionist history things of, you know, actually the person that invented this great invention was actually a black person or actually this king, this, this Viking. They were actually black. Right. Or actually Abraham Lincoln was gay or any of these different things. Like, where the hell are you getting this from? It's all an attempt to, at the very least create all this confusion where you don't know what to believe. And therefore, are you going to believe people like you and me, the average person, Are you going to believe people like you and me, or are you going to believe the experts or the people who wield all of this power?
[00:39:20] Speaker B: Well, I saw a picture just, just this morning of the BBC's presentation of Isaac, Sir Isaac Newton with some black guy playing Isaac Newton. And you just, you can't help but laugh because it's just so absurd. But there is a group of people, a very powerful group of people in this country who, when they went to the drawing board and said that was the first thing they came up with was, we're going to do Cesare Isaac Newton and he's going to be black. And I've sent you memes before and you send me the biography of Elon Musk. And it's just a very, very dark skinned man. It's.
[00:39:55] Speaker A: He's an African American though, Right.
[00:39:57] Speaker B: But take it to a different degree of. You see the recent stuff with the Shroud of Turin, right, was showing Jesus and the AI that has come out with him for so long. They would, you know, and it was from our secular media, all that would come out with it looked like, you know, an African caveman or just with the most hideous type features that wouldn't even match that region that made it.
[00:40:22] Speaker A: Look like this isn't a person that could be taken seriously.
[00:40:25] Speaker B: Right. But it was always based on. All of this is based on, you know, I was just thinking about the term gaslighting. That's a pretty recent. I mean, that term is so mainstream now, but I don't remember it ever being that kind of thing, where now everything is this constant twisting of history. It's this constant twisting of, well, I didn't say that. Well, this is what I really said. Or you're the one who's the problem. Or you're, there's something wrong with you because you heard wrong. And it's this constant where we're in this, you know, it's, it's almost like if you jump out of a plane and you know that tumbling that happens initially, it's so easy to almost get caught up in that feeling if you don't stay grounded and really zoned in on what's true. Because society and the power people, they will constantly throw these things at you. And again, we can circle back to the lgbtq. All of that stuff, which is, it started off with them saying, well, no, it's just about equal rights and marriage and that's it. Do we just want these people to.
[00:41:27] Speaker A: Be like, I want to be able to be at the bedside of my dying loved one. That's kind of where it started. Or I want to be able to be involved financially or all these different things. That's, that's where it started. And to most people, and most people now, including myself, that would sound perfectly reasonable, right? That would sound like, okay, I don't have a problem with that. I don't have a moral problem with that. But, but where does it stop? And it never has. It never has. And so we could talk about the hilarious movements and where you have black women playing Snow White and all of these different things that are absolutely hilarious if they weren't so frustrating. But maybe we'll have a fun episode one day and we can comb through all of those. That would be a lot of fun. I want to get into something that is serious because it affects both of us, has affected both of us in different ways and is affecting many, many people, essentially everybody around the globe. We've talked a lot about Big Pharma, talked a lot about our health system being corrupt, being obviously run as a financial Ponzi scheme in many ways. And I have a one year old daughter, so we're in that situation. As a lot of my friends are like, you have been where people, you're making decisions about what you're going to do health wise for your child, specifically with vaccinations, because from the moment that that child is born, you are assaulted essentially from a vaccination standpoint. And if you don't want to get certain things done, you have to sign a million waivers. You're being asked a million times you don't want to do it. But if you want to do it, nobody tells you anything. You don't have to sign any waivers. You don't have to be told what it is, what it does, why they're given to it, any of those different things.
[00:43:11] Speaker B: Things.
[00:43:12] Speaker A: We'll get into all that. But the CDC published its 2025 vaccine schedules and I don't want to beat this to death because all the information is really out there as far as the number of vaccines and all of these different things. RFK has done a great job of highlighting this. I want to get more into maybe the depths of things. But in 1986, the average child was receiving seven routine vaccines. Seven. In the year 2025, the average child is set to receive 200 routine vaccine injections, 200.
I don't understand how anybody can defend this from the standpoint of it being reasonable. When I had our daughter, we decided not to do the hepatitis B vaccine right out of the gate because there was no scientific logical reason for our child to get the hepatitis B vaccine because none of us had hepatitis B. She's not going to be exposed to it. She's not. We're not taking her home and shooting up needles right away. So we'll wait on all of that. Then there was the eye gel, then there's vitamin K shot, and then all of a sudden you're going in, taking your nine pound baby in to get multiple shots at a time. And it's just this snowball. That is insane. And now we've added Covid, the flu, all these different things, chickenpox. And it's. And we are told at the same time as parents that we need to be very cautious on giving our child one food at a time. Just introduce this one food, then introduce this food, then introduce this food. Maybe if you're giving your child peanut butter, you might want to do it in the emergency room parking lot just in case they have a reaction. But it's okay to take your child in and stick them with six different vaccines on one visit.
That is the part for most people, I feel like if they take a step back and think about it, that's obviously insane. When you're taking this tiny little human being and sticking them with a needle that you have no idea what's in it. You know, there's mercury, there's no, you know, there's lead. You know, there's these different things that we're all told are at safe levels. But my feeling would be there's probably not a whole lot of safe levels of mercury for a newborn. And then we're seeing all of these developmental problems, obviously autism, asthma, allergies across the board, childhood cancers, everything has absolutely skyrocketed. And we know that these drug manufacturers, these vaccine manufacturers are huge corrupt organizations, huge corrupt companies. And that this is an absolute cash cow for them because it's built into our schools, built into our government, built into our hospital systems.
This is a situation that I feel like could be the tipping point where they might be starting to overplay their hand a little bit by the fact that they're saying your child needs to get 200 vaccinations. Because the average parent, I feel like if they really take a step back and think about that, will say that might be one too many.
[00:46:19] Speaker B: Well, our entire medical system has been totally Destroyed by.
By the format of how they get paid. Right. And so our pediatrician offices are now turning away or getting rid of any patient that does not. Not all of them, but a very large percentage who are not willing to get all the vaccines. They say, if you will not do it, we will not take care of your child. Right. Because if you look then at the actual data, it's because the vast majority of the funding to each pediatrician's office is coming from the implementation of vaccines. If you look at during COVID the kind of bonuses that doctors and pediatricians, all that got for. If they got over 50% of their population of patients vaccinated with COVID shot, they got a massive bonus.
[00:47:11] Speaker A: There's those Blue Cross, the insurance company, the memos out there that were leaked. I don't know if they were ever supposed to be available to the public, but they essentially marked out. It was like somebody would be given as a salesman, right. To hit their quotas of bonuses. And so people are starting to say, and I think that's a huge part for me, I can speak for myself personally and for many, many people I spoke to, I did not think that much about vaccines until Covid happened. And once Covid happened, once they said, here's a vaccine that has undergone zero testing, that we just developed, that we know causes all of these different things. And we're going to recommend it not just for elderly people or people who are very high risk. We're going to recommend it to kids who have zero risk. We're going to recommend it to pregnant women. We're going to recommend it to babies. It's all of a sudden it called everything into question with how corrupt that process was and where you had doctors being paid. And all of a sudden people like me start to say they're doing that with this.
If they are doing that with a Covid shot, who is to say they're not doing this with every single vaccine that they have introduced? So people like me, who and everybody should be free to make their own decisions, but people like me were forced to start doing their own research and start digging into these things, and you start to uncover a lot of shocking situations. And ultimately, one of the things that was frightening to me through the process was I would. We talked to a number of pediatricians, and we love the pediatrician we have now. She's very much open to whatever you want to do. And that's how every pediatrician should be.
And they're allowed to have their own opinions and make recommendations. All those things but when I started pressing these doctors on, okay, with X disease, what is the chance that my child will contract this disease if they don't get the vaccine? Nobody could answer that question, okay, what is the net benefit here? What is the reduction in risk that my child will have getting this vaccine? Nobody could answer that question. So I was talking specifically to doctors. I'm not just going on Google here. I'm talking to doctors who can't even give me an answer on basic questions of the net benefit of a vaccine. So that just makes my trust meter continue to get lower and lower and lower until I start to say I'm worried about anything going into my child that I don't have full control over.
[00:49:50] Speaker B: You can imagine going back to that time period, if you could get. If all of that information was not taken off of Twitter and blocked from Facebook, if more families and more people had access to that information and to the data that was readily available, how many less people would have actually done it? And that's why, you know, everybody was in this. The power people were all in cahoots together of, okay, if we don't block this information, less people are gonna get the shot, which means we're gonna get paid less and all this kind of stuff, Right? And so when everything. If you look at Callie and Casey, means, right. And so they've been on Joe Rogan, and they're a part of an advisory board with rfk. They're incredible. If you hear their story. I won't say it here, but they talked about how in medical school that all you're basically taught at this point is how do you build up your clientele?
Not how do we provide the best care. It's how do we fit as many people into every day in our schedule as possible? Because. And how many products or prescriptions or injections can I provide to these people? Because that's the only way they're getting paid. Now, I know for certain that there are still people that go into this line of work that want to help people. It's not just about all of these people are bad people, but it's because if you are in the education system your whole life, think of people who are. Who are teachers. They've never left school, and we've all had teachers at some point where their rules don't make any sense in the real world, because all they've ever known is school. And so it's the same people so much in the medical field, which is they've only spent their entire life in school, and they've been taught by, in quotes, the experts, the people that should know. And so they're just going to go along with what they're told, what their books told them. And so they're not even taking nutrition classes and they're coming in and saying, well, why are you obese? Well, here's some Ozempic. Yeah, right.
[00:51:36] Speaker A: Well, they learn medicine.
All of our health professions have become learning medicine. It hasn't become learning health or prevention of disease or diet or any of these things. It has become, what does this medication do? You're learning symptoms and you're learning medications that treat those symptoms. And so essentially it's become a profession. That's one plus one equals two. Well, if you have these symptoms, then I'll give you this medication. And we have a health care system now that financially incentivizes doctors to prescribe the greatest amount of medication possible. I also think that's a really important thing to talk about. That's not being talked about enough from a governing, political standpoint is the fact, because we talk about our healthcare system all the time and we talk about the fact that our healthcare system is broken. It is. It's terrible. Obviously, people are extremely unhealthy. It's extremely expensive. And the solution is always socialize our medicine. We look at Canada. Canada, you can't get certain procedures. You look at England, England, you got wait times. And we're always leading the rest of the world in our technology and all of those different things. Our system still sucks. Every healthcare around, every healthcare system around the world sucks. So it's not like there's just a simple, oh, switch to this country system. When you look at Denmark or any of these countries, the only reason they're able to have the system they have is because we subsidize their defense and their economy at large. So we're taking care of the rest of the world while we're getting the short end of the stick, as usual. But with this issue specifically, when you talk about vaccines, when you talk about medicine, one issue that I shouldn't be shocked that it's not talked about is the fact that how are we not going in and saying that doctors cannot sign these contracts with the pharmaceutical companies, you cannot have a healthcare system where doctors are financially incentivized to go a certain route, because then they lose all objectivity, they lose all really goodwill, and then you start to lose, as you're seeing, a steep distrust in our medical professionals, and then that spills into our doctors. So a common sense approach, you would think that you could get bipartisan support on would be these politicians, Republican, Democrat, coming together and saying doctors cannot sign a contract with Blue Cross or they can't sign a contract with Pfizer to push a certain medication or have certain quotas on certain medications because that goes against their Hippocratic oath. Right?
That's where you would think that there's common ground to move upon. But time and time again, obviously the money talks louder than any kind of goodwill towards our constituents.
[00:54:33] Speaker B: When it comes to the ads on TV as well. That's one thing they've talked about getting rid of, which will be huge because I think we've had this conversation before, but you have an ad of this lady, it's a full Broadway number in the middle of the park. She's in pink high heels, but she has hemorrhoids, which are really causing big problems in her life. But if you take this medication, it's going to clear it up and you can continue dancing in your high heels. But by the way, you're going to have suicidal thoughts, you're going to lose three toes, you're going to grow a mustache and all your internal organs are going to melt away. And so one of the conversations, and I would love to see that is, and just for the sake of, I don't know how any of these news organizations are going to survive if you get rid of these big pharma ads, Pfizer sponsors everything. And that's a different story for another day, which is how much our media is perverted by the payments of ads from these big pharma companies. But that's another area as well where it's incentivizing the doctors over here on this side, and then over here it's false advertising for all these pills. So that way these people, they see it and go, oh, I do have hemorrhoids and I want to wear my pink high heels. I'm going to go over here and to this doctor and doctor, I need this medication. The doctor's like, oh, you came to the right place and signs a thing and it's just this never ending cycle. It has to be broken and has to be broken from multiple angles.
[00:55:57] Speaker A: Or Ozempic, obviously is the great example right now where now we're starting to see the studies coming out that show it not only shrinks your muscle, but shrinks your heart muscle. Right. How many people are going to die prematurely because they were told instead of dieting and exercising or getting outside, they were told, oh, just use Ozempic. How many People are gonna die because as there's a pharmaceutical ad on TV right now, how many people are gonna be told just take this drug when a simple change to their lifestyle would have saved them, allowed them to live many, many more healthy years?
[00:56:35] Speaker B: And sorry, just one thing too. Go back to the Gardasil shot, which was all the rage because it was, oh, we gotta save our teenagers from hpv, right? Well, that's turned into a cancer nightmare. And now they're going back and looking data and every single thing. There was zero benefits to it and it just was another poison thing. And so how long are we going to wait until we finally do something about it? And the people have spoken that they want change, but when our politicians are continually getting bribed by big Pharma, that's where the change has to happen. And I'm not sure that there's a quick, easy answer.
[00:57:11] Speaker A: Yeah, and we're in the studio right now and we have CNN on, on the tv and there's back to back pharmaceutical ads come up on, on, on television. And if you watch any kind of cable news, they're about 80% of commercials. It feels like partially because it's geared to an older audience. But this is the power that they have over our media companies. Because if you, the, you weren't allowed as a pharmaceutical company to advertise on television until 1997.
[00:57:39] Speaker B: Right.
[00:57:39] Speaker A: So this is a relatively recent thing for a long time. And now what you're seeing is these media giants and a lot of these corporations, they wouldn't want that to be changed because that might be the majority of their revenue, advertising wise, are these pharmaceutical companies. So that's where you have this whole.
It almost feels like the only way the country changes is you have some kind of Mr. Smith goes to Washington type of politicians who get there and just actually rage against the machine and find a way to bring it down. Because all of these people are owned from top to bottom. And that's why I think we face a heightened responsibility as citizens because increasingly we just can't, we can't rely on any of our institutions to do our will or what's in our best interest.
So as we talk about the crumbling of society, that's kind of the theme of anything political now. And what we've talked about on this show, the story that I wanted to talk about, and I don't want to talk about the story for too long because it's, it's gross.
If you don't know there's a network out there, there's a platform out there called OnlyFans. And what only Fans is, is they're called, they call these individuals only fan models. But essentially it's legalized prostitution in the sense where women specifically, because they're the most in demand, will post lewd videos, pictures, and men typically will be the ones subscribing, paying them either a monthly fee or tips or all these different things in a really gross fashion. So only fans in 2024, or excuse me, in. In. Yeah, in 2024, in the first quarter alone brought in $6.6 billion in revenue in one quarter in 2024. And there is one 19 year old model that I'm using, quotes model who made $43 million this year alone. $43 million, 119 year old for doing unspeakable things on the Internet. And the OnlyFans phenomenon is interesting to me not because of people looking for this type of content or anything like that. It's interesting to me because of the fact that there is there, there's copious amount of free pornography out there. And we'll probably get into the conversations surrounding pornography as well. And that's a problem of itself. But there's so much online. We have more access to pornography and terrible things online than we ever have in human history. And it's all free. People can access it for free. But there are people spending millions of dollars, sometimes thousands of dollars, hundreds of dollars, people who are broke. And the majority of people who are using only fans as subscribers are married men.
$6.6 billion in revenue in one quarter. When there's all this free stuff out there, it speaks to a deeper sickness. I think among specifically the male population, there's a blame game going on always of is it the chicken or the egg? Right? It's men's fault because men demand it. It's women's fault because women supply it overwhelmingly. And the reality is you can blame both equally, I think, but you have to look into the demand. I think so more than the supply.
There should be laws that, that end the supply. But why is there such a demand? Why is there such a loneliness, loneliness epidemic among men. Why are men who are obviously not just seeking for a temporary moment of escape, they are, they are seeking, in this case, giving money to these people, a personal relationship. Right? Because why else would you go online to a model that you've never met, that you don't know, that doesn't know you, and give them money as you are so desperate for a personal relationship of somebody to either notice you or love you or have some sort of intimacy with you.
That is really the sickness that is driving so much of this where we're in the society now that, that men are so lonely, they're so separated and they're not even, even when they are married, they're not in loving relationships obviously if they're, if they're seeking this type of stuff outside of their marriage. Now I want to get into more stuff on pornography first but, or later. But this first I think is, is maybe one key indicator that you can directly trace the, the decline of society when people are going out of their pockets in a time where we are extremely financially strained to give women money who they don't know, who don't care about them, when there's access to similar things for free essentially everywhere you look. So to me this is a key indicator of where we are at as a people more than anything else.
[01:03:06] Speaker B: Well, full disclosure, I had heard about OnlyFans way after it kind of started and I thought it was a sports website.
I had no idea. I've got three little ones at home, a happy 11 year marriage and I just had no idea that that was out there. I do have social media though, but it wasn't as big of a thing. So I did not look it up. But I saw a tweet about it and was like, oh, okay. And just thought it was one of those fads and other just site like any of the other ones. But then the more I started seeing these numbers on what women were making, it goes back to what you're saying, which is think about strip clubs. I've always had this type of. When you think about these specific subjects, it starts almost with sadness.
[01:03:51] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:03:52] Speaker B: Because first I think of it from, you know, as the father of a daughter, I think of, you know, they've tried to empower these women or they try to pump them up like, yeah, you go girl, you, you get naked. It's empowering. And you know, make your money and this and that. And you go, well no, because you could have made your money in any kind of way because you've been created in a way that you're filled with gifts and abilities and all these kind of things. And I understand that certain life situations come up and it drives people to do things that there's a reason.
[01:04:19] Speaker A: Prostitution is a very old profession.
[01:04:21] Speaker B: Right. But ultimately it comes down to what you're saying, which is you have women who are desperate to be seen to be seen as beautiful, as having value, but their belief system on how they achieve that is through these kind of means. And then on the other side, you have the men who are so desperate to feel manly. Right. Oh, somebody. It's like it's the old kind of joke of a man goes to a strip club, they think, oh, the stripper likes me. Yeah, right. Because they so desperately want that validation from another person because they're not getting in these other ways. But the unfortunate thing is for everybody involved, they never get the ultimate outcome that they're looking for. Yeah.
[01:04:59] Speaker A: And this is the perfect example of that whole stripper likes me sickness is literally, this is even worse because this person can't even see you. Right. So the stripper probably doesn't like you, but at least there might be a chance if she sees you. In this case, there's zero chance. So you engage in this type of behavior. It's such a sickness of the soul. And that's where it gets to the deeper issue of pornography in general. And if you are a man who's living today, specifically if you're a millennial or Gen Z male, there's at least a 98% chance that you've been exposed to pornography in one way, shape or form. It's most likely 100%, unless you're Amish or something like that, because it's almost impossible to avoid. Even if you have Twitter or X now and you scroll, you can be exposed to it without going out of your way. It's piped into our electronics at this point. But this is where we have to have a conversation as society. And you're seeing a movement here politically that I think is a very positive movement that is anti porn, specifically in. Not in. In trying to ensure that minors aren't exposed to it. Because that's step one. Because the average child today, the average boy today, is exposed to hardcore pornography when they're 11 years old. When you have no way of understanding what you're witnessing, what you're feeling. And it is. Has given so many men just a mental illness. It has driven down testosterone. It is a true mind, body and soul sickness that pornography has caused in our country. And so I think what we've had a hard time squaring as a society is, and it has to move in one of two directions is for a long time we said prostitution is illegal. We can't have prostitution because it's bad for X, Y and Z. But if you do it, if you get paid to have sex and you film it and you produce it to the masses, that's perfectly legal. Right. You can't square those two things. So one of two things has to be true. Either we have to have a blanket allowance and say that all sex work, regardless of what it is, is acceptable and actually a positive for society, or you have to say all of these things are, are morally wrong and cannot be tolerated within a free and functioning society because of the strain that they put on individuals and society at large.
And what you're seeing is so many men coming out and saying that this destroyed my life, this destroyed my relationships, it destroyed my family, it destroyed my mental health. You're seeing the results of this health wise, and you're seeing legislation start to come out. But what you talked about is kind of the, the yes queen, get your money, you know, strong, powerful, independent woman, that, you know, sex work is real work type of thing. Those slogans that they came out with, that you're destroying the image of women not just as an individual, but at large of the way that men view women as just simply a vehicle to access their most base desires and not as a, as a human being with a mind, body and soul that can help you reach your potential as a man. Right. In marrying that person. So what it's done is it's devalued relationships, it's devalued, it's devalued men, it's devalued women. And I don't think there's a way out of our cultural mess without completely returning to a society that rejects all of this or at least, at least restricts it to the red light districts, restricts it to the, to the underground portions that this stuff has always existed. Right. We know pornography has existed as long as cameras have existed and beyond that in literature and things of that nature. We know that prostitution has existed since the dawn of time and all these different things. But in a healthy society, they're usually, they're usually on the outskirts of society. Right. They're not welcomed within the center. But what we've done through things like Onlyfans is we've welcomed all these behaviors and we've actually elevated them to almost the level of a professional athlete or a movie star. When you look at the way that these, the followers and the attraction that these people get. So I don't see a way out of this.
Obviously there's what we have to do as a people, but I think the government does need to step in and say this is like legalizing hardcore drugs in our country and getting all these people hooked on it. And there's a very limited way to get all of those people off it by just saying, I'm gonna be strong and not do drugs.
[01:09:53] Speaker B: And it's not surprise that as more of society become secular and you have less people going to church and you have the things we've talked about about the removal of some of these guardrails that always, you know, upheld our society to a certain way, that there's been this rise in these kind of things. It's because society, when there are no guardrails in society, when they're. Humanity has always chased these base desires in some ways, but it was always kind of circled back to, there's only one way to fill that void and it's not through these things. And there's a second thing that I was thinking of as you were, you're talking about that is that you have these people cheering women on for doing these things and all of that. But those are the same women say don't look at, don't look at. Women can do anything they want, right? Women, you know, I'm woman, hear me roar. Always.
[01:10:43] Speaker A: You know, why can't women walk down the street without feeling like they're gonna be raped? Why can't women do this? Why can't women do that? They're creating this culture, right. That they will complain about the ills of it without understanding that's what's being created.
[01:10:56] Speaker B: And the toxic masculinity, it goes back to that which is, well, why are men, why are men so toxic? Well, if they've spent their whole life since they were 12 years old looking at naked ladies and it's on the bookshelf, it's on the magazine shelves at the grocery stores and it's on the computer, it's on the smartphone, it's on the television, it's in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition that dad has in the bathroom. Our dad did not have that. But that's still the same point.
And they're exposed to it all the time. And clearly we would all agree that human beings, we've been created in a way that we do have, have those desires and they're easy to kind of inflame. And so if a young man is raised in a non stop sexualized environment.
[01:11:39] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:11:41] Speaker B: What are. And they're. And they're told. And nobody tells them it's wrong. All of a sudden they're going to become men and their husbands and their fathers and all these kind of things. And so there's no surprise that you get these kind of, you know, multi. Billions of dollars spent in this industry. It's because they spent their whole life experiencing it. And when they try to remove it, they have no choice but to go back because so many other areas of their life are not fulfilling because they've lived. It's like virtual reality. If you were to step into. Let's take it a step further. If you were to step into. I'm not comparing pornography to heaven, so I don't want that analogy to go that direction. But if you went to heaven and then you came back, nothing would ever feel the same. It's the same thing with pornography, which is why men and women at the same time get. So their vision of what it's supposed to be is so skewed because they see something on a computer screen or on a telephone screen, A telephone, a cell phone screen, right. And then they go into real life and it's like they're not compatible. And so now they're living in this dual existence that can't align, but they're unhappy in both.
[01:12:53] Speaker A: Yeah. And they have no idea. Most young men now, now, as a result, have no idea how to even interact with women from just a social standpoint. Right. Because their entire life they've been consumed by this. And it's like a child who grows up in a home that's abusive, Right. If all you've ever known is seeing your dad beat up on your mom, there's a huge reason why that tends to be a cycle, right? So if all you've seen in relationships is essentially an abuse of women through what you've seen on, you know, through pornography online, that's more likely to be what your actions reflect, right. As. As you go out into the world. And so there. There is yet to be a compelling argument as to why we should allow this to happen. Right. Because the only.
The only argument out there is it doesn't hurt anybody. Right. It's. I'm just making the decision. It doesn't hurt anybody, but it does, right? There's well established studies out there if you want to go that direction. It's easy to say, I don't need studies to tell me all these things. We always go back to. Well, studies say this will. Studies say that. There's just things that, you know, you don't need a study to tell you. But in this case, there's studies out there that show how it hurts your mental health. There's studies that show how it hurts your physical health. There's studies of what it does to children. There's all these studies that show that so many of these women involved in this are in Sex trafficking and all of these different things. So there's a million reasons why it shouldn't be allowed. And the only reason that people can muster to say it should be legal is to say, well, I should do whatever I want to do because if, or because it feels good and shut up. Right? Those are the only arguments. So at a certain point we're going to have to have a reckoning over this. And I'm encouraged to see a number of states following this. And I think the biggest giveaway in all of this is when a state like Texas or Utah or any of these states come out and they say we are going to require age verification, that you have to be at least 18 years old to access pornography online or access Pornhub, which is the largest purveyor of this stuff that Pornhub pulls out of these states and says we're no longer going to even give people access. So it shows the fact that they are.
Their target audience is actually children. Because if you're able to get that 11 year old boy, in most cases that 11 year old boy is going to be watching it till he's 80 years old or until the day he dies maybe unless he gets some help or finds a way out of this. And people go through withdrawals with these things too. So there's again, there's a million reasons why this shouldn't be allowed. But ultimately it speaks to the sickness that is within the soul of our country. And if we are going to have a return to glory as a country, it's going to first start by removing this type of filth that is holding us down as a people. And I think that's a great way to cap off the segment, this calibration. Jonathan, thanks again.
[01:16:08] Speaker B: Good discussion.
[01:16:10] Speaker A: Now it's time for today's uncomfortable choice Truth.
For today's uncomfortable truth, I'm going to start with playing a video from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
What the British people are owed is an explanation.
Because a failure on this scale isn't just bad luck. It isn't a global trend or taking your eye off the ball.
No, this is a different order of failure. This happened by design, not accident.
Policies were reformed deliberately to liberalize immigration.
Brexit was used for that purpose to turn Britain into a one nation experiment in open borders, global Britain. Remember that slogan?
That is what they meant. A policy with no support of which they then pretended wasn't happening.
So I bring up this video and this individual, this, this Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he's facing a Lot of backlash. He's deeply unpopular. And I think there's a lot of reasons why he would bring this up to his own benefit. But the point that I want to bring up, the uncomfortable truth that I need to bring up, is that we are as a people, whether in the United States or anywhere in the Western world, We are being treated as lab rats. We are being treated as cattle. We are being treated as.
Not as human beings, not as sovereign people.
We are undergoing a mass experiment, as he says. We are undergoing an experiment in mass migration, of importing people, in a largest shift of human bodies in human history. That is a failure. That has been a failure. We know it's a failure. If you live in your communities, if you've seen it happen to you, if you happen to your town, your state, you know it's a failure. This is not just on immigration. This has happened during COVID This has happened in our healthcare system. This is happening within our economic systems. The truth is that these people, they don't care about what the will of the people. They don't care about the direction politically, that their nation is going in. They have goals, they have initiatives, they have their own thought on how the world should work. And ultimately they are going to make those decisions regardless of how you feel. So we have to understand when people like this come out and tell us the truth to our face, we have to understand that our communities, our families, might be all that we have left in many cases. And if we are going to repair our communities, if we are going to repair our nation, it has to start at home. Because we don't know how much power that we have left over our institutions.
These people, they have no allegiance to their flag. They have no allegiance to their nation or their people. Their allegiance is to a globalist world order. And as soon as we recognize that fact as a nation and regain and demand our sovereignty, then you will see a rebirth in America. So the truth today is stop falling for it. The call today, action today, is stop falling for the lies that you have been told over and over, that this is enrichment, that this is good for you, that this is in your best interest, because these people don't even believe it.
So we'll see you next time. This has been man in the arena.
We work with this minutes.
Everybody can change.