Episode 7

Episode 7
Man In The Arena
Episode 7

Dec 18 2024 | 01:07:25

Episode • December 18, 2024 • 01:07:25

Hosted By

Jonah Schulz

Show Notes

Daniel Penny a Hero, Trump Annexing Canada and Santa Proven Real!

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[00:00:12] Speaker A: Welcome to man in the Arena. Today we're talking Daniel Penny walks free as justice prevails, Trump annexing Canada, and transgender madness takes the Supreme Court. But first, a reminder. You can find this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Good Pods, or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure you're checking us out on Facebook X Instagra and Tick Tock True Social as well. And YouTube at Man in the Arena PC. Make sure you're liking and subscribing on YouTube. That's the only place that you can find our video podcast. Now. Let's go. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. [00:01:17] Speaker B: But I have a dream. My four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream. [00:01:39] Speaker C: The eyes of the world are upon you. [00:01:41] Speaker A: The hopes and prayers of liberty. [00:01:43] Speaker B: Loving people everywhere march with you. And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. [00:02:02] Speaker A: Ask what you can do for your country. There is a quote attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte that reads, to understand the man, you have to know what was happening in the world when he was 20. As I thought about this observation, I began to take a deeper dive into my own life and experiences. How they led to the person I am today with the opinions and beliefs that I hold. I'm 29 years old. I am currently basking in the last couple months until I am no longer considered a young 20 something, but a geriatric 30 something with one foot firmly in the grave. And as I thought about the world that I experienced from age 20 to 25, like so many others in the millennial and Gen Z generation, I began to understand Napoleon's truth. If you look at our boomer generation, no generation in human history has experienced more wealth, more comfort, or more political power. The boomers have maintained a quite literal chokehold over our world for now, over five decades, with unprecedented political and cultural sway. When the boomers were growing up and reaching adulthood, they stumbled into the greatest economy and cultural boom that our world had ever seen. The epitome of American greatness and national pride. This was truly the golden age of our nation. You could walk the streets of your community safely at night. You could raise a family on a single income with relative ease. You could take pride in your community and share values, share beliefs and cultural backgrounds with your neighbor. You trusted your teachers, your doctors, and even your journalists. For better or worse, you didn't have to worry about your children being exposed to sexual content in their cartoons or at their local library. You didn't have to explain to your daughter why a man in a dress walked into the ladies room. You had two parents in the home to provide you with a lifelong foundation. You didn't have to press one for English, and someone was actually at the end of the checkout line to bag your groceries. I could go on and on. That was the world when they were 20. But through the sexual revolution, a globalized economy, and overall disintegration of the values that created that world, America is now nothing more than a rusted memorial to its former glory. And as you've heard it said countless times, good times create weak men to their everlasting shame. Not all, but many of this generation have spent the following years defending the status quo, defending our corrupt institutions, hoping for a fairy tale ending where we can raise Ronald Reagan from the dead and get back to talking about tax cuts while blaming everyone around us for the costs of our own decadence. So what about the young American? What was the world like when he was 20 or when he is 20? Well, I can tell you, by the time he was 20, he had already experienced multiple economic recessions. He had seen his parents lose jobs and struggle to put food on the table half or more had seen his parents split up, passing him back and forth, leaving him to wonder if he was even wanted by either of them in the first place and questioning whether the institution of marriage meant anything at all. He was exposed to hardcore pornography by the time he was 11 years old. He was bombarded with sexual content from morning to night through his television, his computer and his phone. He was told to make sure he locked his doors at night, didn't talk to strangers, make sure he kept his head on a swivel, and don't leave your bike unlocked. He was told that he was no good or even evil because he was a man or because he was white or straight or a Christian. He was told that he needed to accept and even celebrate sexual perversion, and any questioning of that would land him in the principal's office, get him fired from a job, or even face legal action. He was given fewer jobs, scholarships, and accepted into fewer schools because he didn't find himself in one of the chosen minority groups. He saw a world and communities he loved as a young child taken away from him and replaced with a foreign culture. He saw government corruption never held accountable. He saw politicians making the same empty promises. He saw the government lock him in his home and take away his rights over a bad cold. He was buried in debt with a useless degree and he couldn't afford a home. He saw criminals set loose on the streets while innocent people were thrown in jail for defending themselves. He saw the crumbling of civilization and a world that despised him. That was the world when he was 20. Now, for better or for worse, the power structure is shifting towards that frustrated young man and woman who at the very least understand that something is deeply, deeply wrong and that drastic action will be necessary. Now let's get into today's calibration. Justice has been served. Daniel Penney has been found not guilty on all charges related to the New York City subway chokehold of Jordan Neely. Now, if you've been paying attention over the last several weeks, this has been a subject that has very much dominated the news cycle. Talking about Daniel Penney and this trial that's been ongoing and this process has been ongoing for a long time now, in a sane society, this would have been over before it started, right? There would have probably never even been a trial. There would have never been legitimate charges brought. This would have been a circumstance that would have been handled outside of the court because everybody in attendance watching, in the culture around Daniel Penney would have recognized that this was a necessary action to defend the life and well being of the innocent. But all of that being said, it does feel good to understand that this is obviously the correct decision and a very important decision to give the American people confidence that they can defend themselves when threatened. Imagine a world where Daniel Penny was found guilty. I want to. I want to imagine the message that that would send because the situation was Daniel Penny found himself like any other day, like any other New Yorker, finds themselves unfortunately in this situation, all too often on the subway when a maniac entered the picture. Now we can go on and on about the background of Jordan Neely and how sad it was and this. Anytime somebody dies in a situation like this, it's always tragic. Whether it's a gang member, whether it's somebody who is homeless in this case and obviously mentally ill. It's always a tragic story. This is not to say that we should be cold blooded towards these kind of folks at all. But you're in the subway, you're on your commute to work or home from work, you're with your child and a maniac enters the situation and threatens to kill you, threatens to kill your child, threatens to harm the people around you or yourself. In former times, this would have been a situation where men would have stood up and taken care of the situation. 10 times out of 10 people would have Stood up and said, we're not going to tolerate this type of behavior. And as a result, the behavior largely didn't exist. But as laws evolved, as our society evolved to try to back off of enforcing norms, enforcing justice, enforcing sanity, this type of situation found itself to be more and more common. But I'd like to imagine a situation where Daniel Penny doesn't act. Daniel Penny doesn't act. He sits there. He watches. And this Jordan Neely, this person who's mentally ill, probably on drugs, this homeless individual, hurts or kills somebody. That's the real tragedy. Now, let's say Daniel Penny acts and he's found guilty, right? The court says you're guilty. You're going to jail for the rest of your life for manslaughter of this person. What is the message that that sends? The message that that sends is that you have to sit by and tolerate. Not just tolerate, but accept and even promote, in many cases, violence in your community and in your culture. If you're not able to defend yourself or your child, what recourse do you have? If the government refuses to get people like this off the street, if the government refuses to allow you to defend yourself, what recourse do you have? You have none. You're trapped. You're stuck. You're in a prison cell made out of these legal structures that have been built around us. AOC said after this verdict that this makes the subways less safe for travelers. I can't think of anything more opposite of the truth. What this says, what this message that this sends, is that as a society, as a community, we are going to subdue and stop violence. We are going to subdue and stop deranged behavior, and we are going to start to work to create communities that are safe and livable again. There was a time where kids could go on the subway by themselves. There was a time where women could go on the subways and not be feeling like they're going to be threatened or beat up or molested while they're on their commute to work or their commute to the store. This is the society that we are trying to rebuild around us. A society where you can feel safe to walk down the street, where you can feel safe to send your kid down the street, where you can feel safe that your wife goes to the store by herself. Those were things that we took for granted for our entire civilization as an American people. And all of a sudden, within the last 10 to 15 years, we were told that those things aren't possible anymore. We were told that Those things are simply, it may times just illusions of our imagination that they never existed to begin with. But people, if you're my age or older, you experienced it, you lived it, you remembered a time where it wasn't like this. So there's many Democrats, many Democrat activists, many BLM activists who are coming to the defense of Daniel Penny and condemning this verdict. They are saying that Jordan Neely, he deserved to grow old or he was just a sweet Michael Jackson impersonator. And they always do this with every single case that involves the death of a, of a black individual. They will come out with these pictures. These individuals will be, you know, will be killed by a police officer and they'll be trying to grab their gun or beat them over the head and they'll be shot and they'll share a picture on the news of that 25 year old man when he was 13 years old. So you make the illusion is, the illusion is always being created that this was just a Michael Jackson impersonator, that he just, he was out on the subway bringing joy to the lives of women, men, women and children, that he had a passion for music and for dancing and that he brought life and love wherever he went. Well, the reality is that in 2015, Jordan Neely kidnapped a 7 year old girl. In 2019 he punched a 64 year old man. And in 2021 he broke a 67 year old woman's nose and orbital bone on the subway. And yet he was allowed to roam the street. He was a danger to himself and to others. And that's where we get into the discussion that I've had multiple times on the show of what is real empathy, what is real sympathy, what is real love is loving someone, is taking someone and trying to make them healthy, trying to make them fit for society. Does that just mean we keep pushing them onto the streets? That's been the Democrat policy now for many years, that we don't punish, we don't pursue justice. We simply want to put these people back on the street because keeping them behind bars, administering justice, that would be cruel to them in the reality, this is cruel when you are knowingly putting a man on the street who is mentally unfit to be able to survive and function within a polite society. It's not only cruel to him, to Jordan Neely in this case, because it ultimately wound up getting him killed, it is cruel and unusual punishment to the innocent bystanders who want to live in safe and functioning communities. There was this BLM tweet. We need a world where empathy replaces Fear where compassion replaces violence and where no one's humanity is up for debate. Jordan Neely deserved more. His life, like all black lives, held infinite worth. We honor him by refusing to accept a system that turns away from those in need and rewards those who cause harm. And again, they play on the word empathy. Empathy replacing fear, like white people being fearful of a Michael Jackson impersonator is what led to Jordan Neely's death. It wasn't his threats of violence. It wasn't his outbursts. It was the fear of him being a black man. He deserved more. He did deserve more. He deserved real help. He didn't deserve to be thrown out of the system and back into the streets. A society that Jordan Neely deserved more in the fact that he deserved to be put into a facility where he received some sort of treatment and protection from himself. That is what real empathy and real help looks. Life and his life was valuable. Every life is valuable. But that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want without consequence. Now, it has been the typical actors that have come out in defense of Jordan Neely and crying bloody murder over this verdict. You have Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, who is a great example of DEI in our world. She tweeted, Jordan Neely was unarmed. He needed support and care. Instead, he received a death sentence. His family grieves, while the man who took his life walks free. He did need support and care. The Democrat Party failed him. The Democrat Party, and I'm not just saying the Republicans. Ronald Reagan actually played a key part in getting rid of our. Of our institutions, of our mental institutions in this country. And we've seen the correlation between removing these mental institutions and the uptick in our crime. He did need support and care. He needed a society that understands he couldn't function out in the world, at least not right now. He needed a society that recognized that he was a danger to himself, that he was a danger to others, and that either him being dead or another person being dead as a result of him being out in the street was going to happen at some point. That was the reality, but they failed to recognize it. And they are the ones who failed Jordan Neely. Now, I think as we shift in this conversation to what this was always really about, there's no better person to kick this off than the outgoing Congressman, Jamal Bowman. You might know him as the individual who pulled the fire alarm to stop the vote at the Capitol. Obviously an individual who is pretty unstable in himself if he can't control his urges to pull a fire alarm. Like an 8 year old child in elementary school. He tweets and it's a, it's a long thread that he tweets. But I want to read the first tweet of this because I don't believe the rest deserves any legitimate attention. He tweets. Dear white people, I don't know why I feel the need to keep talking to you. I don't know why part of me still has hope for you and for us. Some of you are too far gone, but maybe enough of you aren't and will join us in fighting to end white supremacy. And he goes on to wail against this verdict. They are exposing what this has always been about. What this has always been about. This case about Daniel Penney was, this was the modern day attempted lynching of a white man. That's plain and simple what it was. Daniel Penney's real crime, his real crime was that he defended himself and he defended others, other innocent bystanders while being white. And he didn't let the black man in this case get away with threatening and possibly taking violent actions. That's been the case in every single one of these high profile verdicts. Is the, the defendant in these cases true crime? What they're really guilty of is being white and not just sitting by and letting society crumble before them. I want you to take a listen, take a listen to some of these Black Lives Matter activists speaking after the verdict came out. [00:19:46] Speaker B: It's like everybody else has vigilantes. We need some black vigilantes. [00:19:54] Speaker D: That's right. [00:19:55] Speaker B: People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud. How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us? I'm tired. I know you're looking for us to be like, oh, go in March, go in March. No, this weekend I want you to hold a community event everywhere from the Bronx to Houston to Seattle to Florida, black people, whole community event and talk about what you need. [00:20:34] Speaker A: This is, this individual is BLM co founder Hawk Newsom calling for black vigilantes to take violent action against white people when blacks are find themselves oppressed. Now, time and time again you can ask individuals like this. Name an example, give me one example in modern society of blacks being actively oppressed by society, by individuals, by anyone, not one, not one legitimate example can be raised actively calling for violence. And then you have this individual, this BLM co founder as well, take a. [00:21:15] Speaker D: Listen in because to be real, they didn't even try. Once the lesser charge was removed, they came back an hour later and said, it was deadlocked. Less than an hour and 20 minutes later, they said, not guilty. These wonderful white people. People, I hope they celebrate their Christmas while the Neely family is praying and asking God for comfort. God damn them and goddamn America. [00:21:40] Speaker A: God damn them and God damn America. God damn these white people. That's the message. That's the message that is brought out of this situation. The message that could be brought out of this situation is that we have deep, deep problems within our culture. We have so many people who need significant help, who need mental help, who need spiritual help, who need physical help. How do we create a society and a structure that prevents this type of circumstance from happening, that prevents Daniel Penny having to take action in the first place? That would be the real question that should come out of this. But it's not, because that's never what this was about. Goddamn these white people. That's what this is always been about. And quite honestly, I don't really want to hear about Jordan Neely's family, because as much as my heart breaks for any family to lose a child, they allowed him to be homeless. They allowed him to be mentally ill with no help. They only showed up back into his life when it was time for a payday. That's the reality of so many of these cases, is you have individuals like Jordan Neely who are abandoned by their families, who don't receive a foundation from the time that they are toddlers from their families. But when it's time to show up and get that payday, these families come out of the woodwork. And that's a huge part of this problem. This being called is being called by many white vigilantism or just another example that blacks have to live in constant fear of violence from their white neighbors. Well, I think it's important that we in some statistics for this conversation, let's bring in some handy facts that can help us navigate this. Over the last 64 years, blacks have killed 103,000 more whites than whites have killed blacks. 103,000. 13 out of the 60 most dangerous cities in the world are in America specifically because of the crime and murder rates within the black community. A black person is not unsafe driving through a white community. White communities in America are statistically some of the safest, if not the safest, on earth. Now, I would be labeled racist. I will be labeled racist for simply bringing up these basic facts. But if you really want something to change, we can't hide from it anymore. We can't hide from this epidemic. What's happening within the black community and this bubbling up of hatred towards whites specifically, that is now. That is now materializing into active calls for violence. I want to play the clip of Daniel Penny, who went on Fox News shortly after this verdict to talk about the situation and himself. [00:24:48] Speaker C: I mean, I'm not a confrontational person. I don't really extend myself. This type of thing is very uncomfortable. All this ATT in limelight is very uncomfortable. And I would prefer without it. I didn't want any type of attention or praise or. And I still don't. The guilt I would have felt if someone did get hurt, if he did do what he was threatening to do, would never be able to live with myself. And I'll take a million court appearances and people calling me names and people hating me just to keep one of those people from getting hurt or killed. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Now this, this is a hero. This is a great symbol. Daniel Penny, he is a great symbol of the common man, of what he used to mean to be a man in this country. He says, I don't want any of this. He's not this well spoken, polished, attention seeking individual. This is an individual who was thrown into a situation that he did not want to be in. But he acted because he was fearful for the safety of those around him. He didn't care about himself. He didn't stand in that moment and think, what would happen to me, what will happen to me if this goes south, if I get hurt, if this person pulls a knife or a gun or any of these things. He thought, there are women and children here. There are innocent people. I can't live with myself if something happens to them. That's a real man right there. And if anyone deserves reparations, it's this man. These are the type of people in our society that we used to celebrate. And he says, I don't want any attention. I don't want anything. These are the type of people that used to make our country great, that used to make our country safe. They used to build our families and our communities and make us proud. To say that man, man, he's a member of my community. He's a member of my country. He is my neighbor, right? These are the stories that used to make us proud. Even though it's tragic, Daniel Penney has set a great example and thankfully the justice system has defended him. That we can and we should as Americans defend those who aren't capable of defending themselves. All right, so I want to get into this great story that has been will birth many, many memes moving forward. But I think it deserves an actual conversation, as funny as that might sound. I want to play this clip from Fox News first and we'll get into it. [00:27:44] Speaker E: And tonight we're getting some new details about that Trump Trudeau dinner from two people who were at the table. We are told that when Trudeau told President Elect Trump that new tariffs would kill the Canadian economy, Trump joked to him that if Canada can't survive without ripping off the US to the tune of $100 billion a year, then maybe Canada should become the 51st state and Trudeau could become its governor. [00:28:11] Speaker A: Brett based, incredibly, incredibly based by Donald Trump threatening the takeover of Canada. I think this is actually something that maybe we should consider and not just brush off as the United States. First of all, this is why we elected Donald Trump. This is exactly why we elected Donald Trump to have these type of conversations, because before, it's always been. And you can see Justin Trudeau taking this approach, you can't do this to us in Canada because it's going to destroy our economy. We have to be able to rip you off. We have to be able to take advantage of you. Every single country in the world has had this approach for now generations, that the US to them is an economic zone, that the point of the US Existing to the rest of the world is simply to make their economic world go round. We are the grand, the gold medal milking cow that the rest of the world has used and abused. And now we are running dry. And the part of the problem that we've run into and Trump has brought it up is that our economy, our spending, our trade policy that has allowed these other countries to function, they have been able to go out and do many, many more things, right? We, we talk about Denmark, we talk about the Nordic countries. You hear so much about them, about how the people are so happy, their, their country is so beautiful, they're so safe. They have such great social programs and this and that and the other thing, nobody ever mentions the fact that the only reason they exist is because we subsidize them militarily. They know that financially and forcefully, we are there for their defense. So they're able to pour their money into these other programs. They also don't have any. They also have very little immigration and have great social cohesion and are extremely homogenous. That's another conversation for another time. But you look at a country like Canada that goes on these great leftist crusades that they're gonna, they're gonna make everything green, they're going to tax people into oblivion. And all of a sudden they say, wait, hold on a minute. If you treat us the same way that we treat you, we're going to have some problems. And Donald Trump is saying, well, yeah, if you can't function yourself, then what use are you to me? And maybe we should just come in and take over. And it was a he came out a couple days later, Donald Trump, and went on Truth Social and posted this gem. It was a pleasure to have dinner with the it was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the great state of Canada. I look forward to seeing the governor again soon so that we may continue our in depth, depth talks on tariffs and trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all. We are back. We are getting back into some beautiful, beautiful Trump tweets. And I'd like to say I personally, I fully support annexing Canada. We should liberate their people, we should take their resources, but under no circumstances should we give them the right to vote. Absolutely not. They can participate in the spoils of the United States new empire, but under no circumstances should they be given the right to vote. But in all seriousness, I think there's a stronger argument for being involved in Canada than there is in being involved in the Middle East. The Canadian people are actually living under authoritarianism, much like many other countries are that have no close proximity to us. You've seen pastors arrested for preaching doctrine, typical standard Christian doctrine that goes against the social beliefs of the Canadian government. You've seen guns being confiscated left and right throughout Canada. They have no right to bear arms. They have no right to defend themselves. They're being taxed into oblivion. They have no freedom of speech. If you say something anti lgbtq, anti immigrant, anti this, you can face legal consequences. You can face fines, you can face being jailed. We talked about it last week about how one of the town of IMO in Canada was being fined for not putting on a pride parade and celebrating Pride Month. You're seeing farmers who are bankrupted by these environmental policies. There's a case to be made that the Canadian people deserve some liberation and that we should go in militarily and get the job done. What difference, honestly? America has essentially annexed foreign nations in the past. We essentially annexed Afghanistan, Iraq. We essentially have been a puppet master over Ukraine for long before the Ukrainian Russian conflict conflict started taking place. We have a lot more interest here on our border in Canada than we do in Syria, where we're bombing and shifting regimes and destabilizing regions like we have in Libya and all over the Middle East. There's really no case to be made for those. Why not annex Canada? Why not go into Mexico militarily? Right. We have all these conversations that are kind of silly when you're talking about annexing Canada, when you're talking about making them a state. But they actually in principle make more sense than our involvement in so many countries around the globe that have no direct consequence to us. It's like the conversation that we have about Mexico all the time. When you want to talk about foreign intervention, I'm somebody. And most Americans are very, at this point, very anti interventionist. The Democrats, for some reason, have gone very far into, we need to intervene into every single conflict around the globe, whether it's Ukraine or Syria or any of these countries, countries which is so opposite to them for so long. And the Republicans used to be more hawkish. The reality is the majority of people don't want to be involved in these wars, don't want to be involved in these conflicts. But my position is, and I think a lot of people's position is, if we're going to use our military, if we're going to use our resources, why is it not going into Mexico and annihilating these cartels? Why is it not going down to the border and securing our border? Right. We have an invasion taking place on the southern border. Why not use our military there? We have drug cartels who are actively killing Americans. Why not go in and bomb the hell out of those cartels? As Donald Trump would say, there's much better arguments to be made for going into Canada or going into Mexico than there is for going into Syria or to Iraq or to the Ukraine. Right. And that's kind of one of the catalysts that got Donald Trump elected in the first place, is we as Americans for so long have gotten our paycheck stolen to go somewhere 6,000 miles away. And then we drive down, we drive home from work and hit a million potholes. Or we would have our crumbling infrastructure across the board, or we wouldn't have these social programs that these other countries are having. And our communities are getting more dirty and less easy to navigate and less safe, and we can't pay police officers and our veterans are homeless and all these different things. All of a sudden people said, wait a second, wait a second, something is totally backwards here. And it really started back in 2015 when Trump started running, where he said, these countries are ripping us off. Right? We are paying for the defense of all these countries. We are. We talk About NATO and these alliances of nations, these con, these. NATO is a sham. It's the, it's the United States that subsidizes everything. NATO without the United States is nothing. Right. Because they don't put any money into it. We put way a much, much higher percentage of our GDP into defending Europe than we do into defending our own country, into defending our border, into making sure our people aren't living in squalor. And for the average person, that was a message that resonated because it speaks to our direct lived experience. Because you can't go down the street to any Joe Schmo and take them off the side of the street and say, hey, listen, 30% of your paycheck should be going to Ukraine. Or should it fix the road that leads up to your house? That person would say, I think it should fix the road, because that makes sense. That's what every person believed. And what made our country great was this idea that we weren't supposed to be this empire. We were supposed to be a more isolationist, which has become a dirty word for some reason. Isolationist, just meaning that we don't want to get get involved all over the globe, that we simply want to mind our own business, do our own thing. We are going to be. We are going to take action when necessary, when it threatens the United States direct interests and security. But those circumstances don't come up nearly as much as the war machine that has really taken over the United States, which have you believe. So all in all, Trump going into Canada, deposing Trudeau, and marching through the street on a white horse waving American flags as Canada is freed, I think would be a great way to kick off 2025, and I don't see a reason why we shouldn't. So I talked, I've spoken a lot of these episodes about transgenderism, of the madness and what has gone on. We were talking about the battle in Capitol Hill over the bathrooms, over, you know, we had Nancy Mace who's, who's fighting this fight, kind of at the face of this fight where you have this transgender congressman coming in who is a man who wants to use the women's bathroom, and all of these kooky conversations that we, that we are having right now. I want to play a couple videos and get into a couple topics relating to this, because I think it's always important to put this in context of what is really going on from the grassroots level of what's going on amongst us as people and what's going on all the way up to the top. So there's this video, this TikTok video that. I'm sorry, you'll just have to listen to it. And I can kind of tell you what's going on if you're just listening to the audio here. And if you're watching visually, I'm just going to apologize out of the gate for having to put you through this. [00:39:14] Speaker F: I'm trans, and I am proud of. [00:39:17] Speaker A: It, and I support my trans wife every step of the way. [00:39:21] Speaker F: We're sharing this because we want to be open and authentic. And guess what? It's our page. [00:39:28] Speaker A: We are unapologetic, and we don't owe anyone an explanation. [00:39:32] Speaker F: This next year or so, there's going to be a lot of steps happening in my transition, whether medical or personal milestones, and I'm excited to share it with all of you. [00:39:42] Speaker A: And if you feel the need to leave, you don't need to announce it. Just leave. This is a place of love and respect. [00:39:48] Speaker F: You love each other deeply. [00:39:50] Speaker A: Yes, we do. [00:39:50] Speaker F: Journey is ours, and it's been a roller coaster for sure, and we're stronger for it. [00:39:55] Speaker A: Yes, we are. Love you. Love you, too. [00:39:57] Speaker F: And we are getting ready to pack up food to serve. [00:39:59] Speaker A: I'm gonna stop it there. I'm not going to subject you to. To. To any more of that video. I play this video not to specifically make fun of these two individuals. There's obviously a lot of content there to kind of speak on of what we could get into. The what I want to get into here is a couple things. One, they almost always look like this. We are. So often we talk about this transgender issue like, a boy is going to become a girl, a girl is going to become a boy, and it's a seamless transition that you're going to walk down the street and you're going to see this person walk by you, and you would have no idea if that's a man or a woman. That's just another person, and they just happen to be assigned a different gender at birth, and you wouldn't even know the difference. The reality is almost exclusively that people who are transitioning who claim to be transgender fall into this category where they are usually a hulking, behemoth man. In this case, you know, somebody who is. Obviously has some underlying mental issues as well, and they are proclaiming to be the opposite sex. They almost always look like this. And that's why this rage so often, I think, is it can be a rage against the physical, and this is where it can get kind of sad sometimes. Is where you have individuals who feel like, I don't have an overly masculine body or I don't have overly feminine body. I feel. I don't feel beautiful or I don't feel handsome. I don't feel strong, I don't feel feminine. I don't feel graceful. There's all these different things that, you know, in society, we have typical standards of an ideas of how men and women ought to act, how they ought to look. And those things are usually relatively healthy things to order society in a way that makes sense and is good for everybody involved. But these individuals are taken advantage of now who have these predispositions to feeling insecure about themselves. And they are put in a situation where I am actually not insecure about myself because this isn't who I am, right? I'm not. I'm not a tomboy, right? I'm actually a boy. I'm not a. I don't. I don't like to play sports. I don't like to climb trees. I don't like to play in the mud. I don't like to play with GI Joes or something like that because I'm a tomboy or I'm just more inclined to things that are traditionally, you know, boys have more of a interest in I'm actually a boy. And so for so long in history, we just accepted the fact that there were general rules for society. Men behave this way and women behave this way in general because generally speaking, things hold up. And there's a reason stereotypes exist between the sexes. But now we take these individuals who are struggling, in this case, an individual, like I said, who is obviously mentally ill in some capacity, and we are telling them a lie that is something that is very easy to infiltrate their brains because they're already at a point of weakness. And that's where, again, we always come back to that conversation of empathy. And they said this is a place of love and respect. Right? Love and respect would be getting this man help. Love and respect wouldn't be this person's wife. I suppose in this case, helping that. Holding their hand and helping them along the way. Getting them help would be the wife sitting them down and pleading with them and talking them through this and coming at it from a loving way, but ensuring that they don't go down this path to destruction. Now I want to get into another video that I think is. Is more disturbing because of the context surrounding this. This is a video of the. A lawyer for the ACLU that the individual's name is Chase Strangio. Which sounds made up. This is an interview for them on cn. [00:44:36] Speaker G: I would say is nobody has to provide this, this medication to adolescents. These are not doctors being forced to provide this medication. These are doctors who are wanting to treat their patients in the best way that they know how based on the best available evidence to us. And these are young people who may have known since they were two years old exactly who they are, who suffered for six, seven years before they had any relief. And what's happening here, it's not the kids who are consenting to this treatment, it's the parents who are consenting to the treatment. And as a parent, I would say we, when our are suffering, we are suffering. And these are parents who love their children, who are listening to the advice of their doctors of the mainstream medical community and doing what's right for their kids. And the state of Tennessee has displaced their judgment. [00:45:19] Speaker A: Now before I get into this, I want to touch on something that this woman said which is 2 year olds sometimes know who they are. As in what she is saying is that two year olds often, sometimes believe that they are another gender. There is not a 2 year old in the history of the earth grooming and without pushing in a certain direction who has believed that they are in a different body. They aren't even thinking of the world in that context at all. I have a 16 month old daughter, right? She's approaching a year and a half. She chews on books, she poops in her pants, she climbs up the stairs when we weren't looking one day and gets halfway up not thinking that oh wow, I could fall and break my neck. She tries to jump off of stairs, she tries to do crazy things that no parent would ever let their child do because it's a danger to themselves. And their brain is just beginning to form this whole idea that a 2 year old or a 3 year old or any kind of young child could have any concept, any idea that they're in the wrong body is such a lie perpetuated by a grooming community. Because if you watch these videos and there's tons of them out there, unfortunately where you'll see these far left families, it's usually women when it comes to boys who are transitioning their son into a daughter. You'll see them brushing their hair and just saying, oh. From the time he was four years old, he used to, you know, want to play with dolls. And I asked him, you know, honey, you know, do you think you're actually a girl? And he said, I think I was. So I decided to put him on puberty blockers. These are sick people that are grooming their child to be what they want them to be. Either they wanted a girl and they got a boy, so they're pushing to be a girl, which is the case for many of these crazy leftist women, or these are extremely liberal, liberal individuals in certain circles that will be celebrated. And they are using their child as a prop to show how accepting, how tolerant and how progressive they are. But getting back to this individual, this Chase Strangio, this individual is arguing in front of the Supreme Court for the aclu. They are arguing against the state of Tennessee and these abortion laws that have said in many states that children cannot castrate themselves, that children cannot get these puberty blockers that render them infertile, that are cancerous, that relate to all these developmental problems. And most of these kids outgrow. They are arguing this. Chase Strangio is arguing in front of the Supreme Court that this should be allowed. This person, when you look at them on the screen, this is a person that has obviously underwent a lot of. A lot of cosmetic alterations and internal, you know, operations and drugs and different things to make themselves look like a strange mutant man, woman thing. And as soon as they open their mouth, this person, as soon as she opens her mouth, you know, she's a woman. And there is not a person, There is not a person alive that believes that when somebody like this opens their mouth or they see a person like this, there's not a person alive that believes this is a man. This Chase Strangio does not believe she is a man. The anchor on CNN does not believe she is a man. No matter what they say, they don't believe it. This person, in another point in history, very recently, actually would have been committed to an asylum if they. If they were pushed in this direction at all. This person would have, by the time. From the time they were young, would have been given a better foundation in reality. But in 2024, this person, who has a severe mental illness is arguing in front of the Supreme Court. And I believe that says so much about how far our society has fallen, that this type of person would even be given an audience. And I'm not even saying that this person is a. I'm not saying that this person is inherently bad person. I'm saying that this person is an inherently troubled person. And we're told so often in everything we do in modern America and modern Western civilization that we're always told to not believe our lying eyes that we can look at somebody like this and we can say, you're obviously a woman. We can hear them and say, you're obviously a woman. We can look at somebody like this first guy and say, you're obviously a dude. There's nothing that you can do to change that fact. Everybody knows this. We're told we're not allowed to believe our own instincts, our own senses, our own common sense. And that's a huge part of leftist politics at large, is telling people not to act and not to believe their instincts. Right? Because instincts for individuals for our entire existence would have never allowed this to take place, would never allowed children to mutilate their genitals in a stable and civilized society. That would have never happened. Happened. Any society that trusted its own instincts and own general knowledge would have known we can't open our borders to tons of foreigners coming into our country, that we can't possibly vet control, understand how they're contributing or understand their end goals. That just can't happen. Everybody understood that. And you'll have people come out and say, well, actually, according to this study, it shows that a child is as long as early as the second trimester in the womb can start forming a gen gender identity. Which is a crazy argument because one those same people are arguing that that child isn't actually a child and they can be aborted up till nine months. So they're not actually a human being. So if they're developing a gender identity, they must be a human being. That's a whole nother conversation about how all of this type of ideology is inherently dishonest. No one believes most of what is pushed on the left. Nobody believed a man could marry a man. Nobody believes a man can become a woman. Nobody believes that we should open our. These are things that have been pushed on us that most people have gone along with in order to seem tolerant because it was popular, because it was impolite not to, because it was not loving if you went against these type of things. And finally people are waking up to say, I can't do this anymore. I can't sit here and watch CNN and see an obvious woman woman who is on testosterone so she can grow a beard and has a extremely high falsetto voice. I can't take this person seriously that they're arguing in front of the Supreme Court. I just can't. And that's where we honestly need to get as a society, where we just say, I'm done playing this game, I'm done going along with it. I don't care if I'm sound impolite I don't care if I sound rude, I don't care what you call me. I'm not living in this clown world where an individual who is so mentally unfit is a high profile lawyer arguing in front of the highest court in the most powerful country in the history of the world. So obviously nobody believes this woman is a man. Not even the leftist Supreme Court justices that she's arguing in front of believe that she's a man. But you, there were some, some, some gems out of the Supreme Court had Justice Sotomayor, who is, again, there are people on the left who are extremely intelligent and are misguided. There are those on the left who are extremely intelligent and they are simply individuals who are not well meaning. I put Barack Obama into that category of individuals who are extremely intelligent, manipulative, and ultimately are trying to move things in the wrong direction. Then you have individuals like Justice Sotomayor, Mayor, in this situation who is simply an unintelligent human being. Her argument was that every drug has risks. Right? Tennessee is going in an argument in front of the Supreme Court saying if we give girls testosterone, it increases cancer risk risks, it renders them infertile, it has lifelong damaging osteoporosis, there's all of these crippling side effects that will come into play at some point, almost guaranteed, and have actually led transgender individuals to kill themselves because they happen to be in so much pain and discomfort. And obviously they don't magically change your gender to begin with. Justice Sotomayor comes out and says every drug has risks, including aspirin. Aspirin has risks. Just read a, just read a bottle of Advil and you'll see that's how disingenuous and unintelligent so many of these leftists are that they will equate testosterone giving a puberty blocker or testosterone to a five year old girl. They will argue that lopping off the testicles of a thirteen year old boy, that that's the equivalent in risk to popping an aspirin because you have a headache. That's why we shouldn't take these people seriously. And that's why it gets so tiresome. So it seems like such a waste of time to even make these arguments with people who take these positions because how can you possibly, if somebody is so unintelligent or so dug into their position that they won't admit there's a difference between taking an aspirin and lopping off your testicles, or taking puberty blocking drugs that are not really tested to any we know they do what they do, but as far as the long term effects, there's more than we can even imagine. These are the individuals that it's hard to really even take seriously and have a legitimate conversation with. And in that same vein, you had the ultimate DEI hire in Kendonji Brown Jackson, who's the newest Supreme Court judge Justice who is nominated by Barack Obama, excuse me, by Joe Biden. Joe Biden obviously has not been with it for quite some time and he's not the one who pulls these strings, but he's been the ultimate DEI organizer, DEI head of the department with his picks of Kamala Harris and then Justice Jackson in this case, where Kamala Harris, he came out outright and said I am picking a vice president who is a black woman. Which doesn't make any sense at all from the standpoint of I want the best vice president possible and I don't want to limit myself to about 6% of the population. I'd like to examine everybody based on their merits. That's what every American should believe. And he said essentially the same thing about Supreme Court Justice Jackson. But here is a very telling, very telling interaction between her and the Tennessee Solicitor General that it operates on the. [00:57:21] Speaker D: Body in the same way. So what's your basis for saying not the same? [00:57:25] Speaker H: I don't think it operates on the body in the same way. Take testosterone. If you give a boy with a deficiency testosterone because he has constitutional delayed puberty, that allows him to go through and define develop the reproductive organs associated with being a male. If you give it to a girl, it renders the girl infertile. So we have 8 to 12 year olds. [00:57:48] Speaker D: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought your reasons for them being different was that you said they were for different purposes. I'd heard you say at the beginning the reason those two are different is because one wants them to transition and the other wants them for some medical purpose. [00:58:01] Speaker H: Well, to go back to my example in the introduction, I don't think anyone would say using morphine to assist suicide is the same treatment as using morphine to manage pain. It's the same drug, just like it's the same drug here. But they're being used for fundamentally different purposes. They have different effects on the body. And once you take out and recognize medical reality, then there is no argument that our law differentiates between treatments for males and females. [00:58:28] Speaker A: Can I ask you about one? So obviously this Matthew Rice, the Solicitor General of Tennessee, he's running circles around KGB or kjb, I should say, who is saying that there's no difference between giving testosterone to boys and to girls. Now I'm not a scientist, I'm not a doctor, I haven't studied medicine, I haven't studied all of these things in great detail. But you could have asked me as a 12 year old boy, do you think that giving testosterone to a girl would have different effects than giving testosterone to a boy? I would have known the answer to that. It's not a difficult question. It's something that every single person knows. And so again with these individuals, they're either so deeply unintelligent or they're so deeply disingenuous that they, they can't be allowed to hold these levels of power. And Ketanji, Brown, Jackson, there's some fun, you know, different data out there where she's, she's well known for having by far the most words spoken out of any of the Supreme Court justices. So she's not beating any stereotypes in that realm. But these are the individuals in many cases that are deciding what laws are acceptable, right? This is the Supreme Court and this decision is probably going to go in the direction of upholding these laws, these bans on giving kids these dangerous drugs and having them undergo these dangerous procedures that alter their life for the rest of their lives. But there are courts all over the country that are headed up by people like this that will make decisions, that will allow these things to stay in place, that are making the decisions over people like Daniel Penney, that are making decisions over these children and their future and their education. All of these different things, things, they are embedded into our system everywhere. This is what we're up against. It's not like we're just in this situation where you have this belief, but I have this belief and we're going to hash it out. And I can see where you're coming from. There is no common ground here. There is no bridge to really be built here. The only option is to win. The only option is to defeat these people. People. And if we don't, we are going to have a future where people like this Chase Strangio and people like this mentally ill individual in the first video aren't given the help they need, are given over to this life that leads them to more depression, to more despair, to more self harm and ultimately to suicide. So when we're asked so often, as if you're a conservative or Republican or just you don't consider yourself anything, you're just a regular person. We're, we're so often told that hey, you know it's really none of your business. How does this affect you? Well, it affects the world, my children. It affects my world. It affects the world. My children are growing up. And it obviously has infected my entertainment, my corporations, and everything that I interact with in my life. So that's one thing thing, but also it. I care about these people. It's okay to care about people to the point where you don't want them to harm themselves. That's the reason why things like crystal meth are illegal. Although there's a lot of Democrats are pushing to legalize certain hard drugs, it's not because necessarily that somebody in Nevada doing crystal meth is going to affect me and my family directly, but when I have a society full of people that performs or that undertakes a certain behavior that does affect me, that affects my nation, that affects my economy, that affects every way that I want to live. But more importantly, it affects that individual in the way that it destroys them, it destroys their family, it destroys their future and can destroy. It can ultimately take their life. We've had this opinion as conservatives for so long that it's just like, do whatever you want, do whatever you want, just as long as it doesn't affect me. But the reality is everything affects something. You can't do all of this in a vacuum. We have to start arguing on the merits. We have to start arguing on is this a good thing for society and a good thing for individuals, or is this a bad thing? And if it's a bad thing, is there any legitimate reason that it should be legal? And this is one of those great examples of it affects society, it affects us directly, and we need to pass laws that make it impossible to pursue in order to have a sane, free and functioning society. So now it's time for today's Uncomfortable Truth. All right, for today's Uncomfortable Truth, Santa deniers are in absolute shambles. Absolute shambles. If you are a non believer, if you have denied jolly old Saint Nick, then I have some news for you. Archaeologists in Turkey believe they have discovered the tomb of St. Nicholas. Take a look here now in this video you're going to see if you're not, if you're not watching, you're listening here. You're seeing there's this woman, they've dug up this grave. It's a big stone casket and they're measuring it with a yardstick that even looks like a candy cane. So we are living in some truly amazing times. Santa Claus is now confirmed. The verdict is in. Santa Claus is real. He's got a list. He's checking it twice. And he'll also punch you in the face if you deny the divinity of Christ. So make sure you're saying your prayers, you're doing good deeds, and if you're on the naughty list, you better get things right real quick. That's it for man in the arena. I'll see you next time. [01:05:07] Speaker B: If I can change and you can change.

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